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Deliverable 1: Action website

This deliverable presents the evidence collected by WGs and all the information on all activities organized within the Action. The Action website, created within the first 6 months of the project, is the entry point for all partners and stakeholders, and a key instrument for dissemination and communication of activities and results.

Month 6

Deliverable 2: Dissemination outputs

A publication of:

Additionally, a YouTube channel has been created containing videos of EUGAIN events and presentations.

Month 6

Deliverable 3: Booklet “From Ph.D. to Professor”

A short, compact/pocket size, publication with best practices for supporting the transition of Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers into faculty positions (directed to university departments).

Month 15

Deliverable 4: Booklet “From School to University”

A short, compact/pocket size, publication including best practices and suggestions for recruiting and retaining female students (directed to university departments).
Month 25

Deliverable 5: Booklet(s) “Future Informatics Students”

A short, compact/pocket size, publication(s) including advices and advantages of studying and choosing Informatics as a career (directed to students at different school levels).
Month 27

Deliverable 6: Booklet “From Bachelor/Master Studies to Ph.D.”

A short, compact/pocket size, publication including best practices and suggestions for retaining and supporting the transition of female students to Ph.D. positions (directed to university departments).
Month 39

Deliverable 7: Policy recommendation document

A set of policy recommendations directed to policymakers, at national and European level. Such documents will contain concise and practical measures that policymakers can adopt to support gender balance in Informatics.
Month 42

Deliverable 8: Handbook of intervention methods Penzenstadler, B., Boudaoud, K., Di Marco, A., Caner-Yıldırım, S.  “Actions for Gender Balance in Informatics Across Europe”. Springer Nature. Open Access Book (Manuscript accepted for publication).

The Handbook will provide an understanding of the factors that contribute to increasing the recruitment and retention of female computer scientists, methods and intervention strategies. It will translate research into best practices, and empower decision makers to implement interventions.
Month 48