Short-term scientific missions (STSMs) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. During 2020-2024, EUGAIN awarded 18 STSM grants.

The Grantee can be any Action participant, implementing a project with an international team and gaining new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution. He/she receives a contribution for traveling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, implementation of the project, delivery of the report to the COST Action MC and overall effort, of max. EUR 4’000.

For more information, see the Annotated rules (among others, page 96).

To apply for a grant, please register on the online platform of COST Association e-COST and then apply here.

Apply for a grant button in eCOST

See Also

Find out more about our COST Action EUGAIN by exploring the site links below.



Support individual mobility, at strengthening existing networks, and at fostering collaborations by allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another country.


ITC Conference Grants

Support Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an ITC for their participation in high-level conferences.


Dissemination Grants

Support Action participants to present the work of the Action in a high-level conference.


Virtual Networking Grants

Support Action participants in organising cooperation, and collaborations in a virtual setting.


Local Organiser Support Grant

Support Action members in organising local events.