To improve virtual collaboration, COST has launched the Virtual Networking Tools. These aimed to build capacity and spread the uptake of virtual collaboration across different research communities.

There were two types of grants:

  1. The Virtual Networking Support Grant
    Assessing and supporting the new forms of collaboration in a virtual and hybrid settings. This aimed to be a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation communities and among the members of a given Action.

    This Grant could be approved once for a max. of EUR 4,000. The one who applies for this grant is expected:

    • to write a strategy on virtual networking for the Action
    • take the leading role of Virtual Networking Support Manager
    • to support the MC in discussions and planning of virtual events
    • to assist in the selection of hosts for the virtual networking events
    • to oversee the selection of the most appropriate virtual tools for each specific virtual activity and 
    • to support the call coordination of the Virtual Mobility Grants.
    During 2020-2024, EUGAIN awarded 2 VNS grants.

  1. The Virtual Mobility Grant
    Financial support for Researchers or Innovators (with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or from a COST Near Neighbour Country) to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.

    The maximum amount is up to EUR 1,500 for each grant. If you are taking the lead ,e.g. in your Working Group, in planning or performing an activity in a virtual environment, contributing to the objectives and deliverables of the Action, you can be granted for this work. Examples of work which can be granted are: 

    • Setting up a Survey among Action members to coordinate the discussion for protocols or preparing questionnaires
    • Doing data analysis, or computational modelling online, in order to implement research
    • Do virtual mentoring with special focus on ECI
    • Prepare and coordinate content of science communication activities, e.g. organization of open calls, organization of online workshops, like a webinar series etc.
    During 2020-2024, EUGAIN awarded 41 Virtual Mobility grants.

To apply for a grant, please register on the online platform of COST Association e-COST and then apply here.

Apply for a grant button in eCOST

See Also

Find out more about our COST Action EUGAIN by exploring the site links below.



Support individual mobility, at strengthening existing networks, and at fostering collaborations by allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another country.


ITC Conference Grants

Support Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an ITC for their participation in high-level conferences.


Dissemination Grants

Support Action participants to present the work of the Action in a high-level conference.


Virtual Networking Grants

Support Action participants in organising cooperation, and collaborations in a virtual setting.


Local Organiser Support Grant

Support Action members in organising local events.