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EUGAIN is co-organising, with Informatics Europe, the WIRE-EUGAIN Workshop (a full-day workshop) on 27th of October 2021, as part of the annual European Computer Science Summit (ECSS 2021).

The annual Women in Informatics Research and Education (WIRE) Workshop, part of the European Computer Science Summit (ECSS), runs this year under the auspices of COST Action CA19122: EUGAIN, the European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics. The workshop focuses on the theme ‘Sustainability in Gender Balance in Computer Science’, with several sessions covering different aspects of engagement, retention, and progression of women students and academics in computer science and related disciplines.

The workshop is chaired by Karima Boudaoud, Université Côte d’Azur and Christopher Staff, Institute of Technology, Carlow. Attendance is by invitation.


The EUGAIN Working Group Meeting, restricted to members of EUGAIN, takes place on the following day, October 28, 2021.