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EUGAIN Workshop

More than 70 participants convened in Trondheim, Norway, in September for the Annual EUGAIN Workshop, which was collocated with this year’s ACM’s womENcourage 2023 conference. 

The EUGAIN workshop began with a panel titled Transferring Insights: Lessons from Research to Increase Gender Inclusion in Tech” featuring panelists Athina Vakali (Greece), Tayana Conte (Brazil), Alexander Serebrenik (Netherlands), and Sahar Asadi (Sweden) and moderated by Karolina Bolesta and Sonay Caner-Yıldırım.

The morning continued with the session “Interventions and Initiatives of Gender Inclusion in Academia and Industry,” chaired by Serena Versino and Nehir Yasan-Ak:


After lunch, a session in the form of a Roundtable Discussion, chaired by Mara DiaconuMaking CS Education Gender-Inclusive” was held, and the presentation of the Women STEM UP project.

Finally, the afternoon concluded with the highly interactive session “Connecting the Dots: Fostering Gender-Balanced Academia and Industry”, moderated by  Irene Zanardi and Elmira Yadollahi, see slides and posters here.

EUGAIN workshop at WomENcourage '23


General chair: Anna Szlavi (Norway)

Program chairs: Karolina Bolesta (Poland), Sonay Caner-Yıldırım (Turkey), Serena Versino (Italy), Elmira Yadollahi (Sweden), Nehir Yasan-Ak (Turkey), Irene Zanardi (Switzerland)




The EUGAIN Workshop Chairs