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IEu_GenderEquality InInformatics Webinars

The last Informatics Europe/ EUGAIN webinar of the year on Gender Equality in Informatics is titled:

Alice & Eve/Recommendations on Hiring and Promoting Women for CS Departments

Date: 23 January 2023, 5pm CET (new date)

Speaker: Marieke Huisman, University of Twente (the Netherlands)

To join the webinar, please register.

Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Huisman will discuss two different initiatives related to diversity & inclusion, in which she has been involved over the last years.

In January 2020 the first Alice & Eve event at the University of Twente was organised. Alice & Eve, a celebration of women in computing in the Netherlands, was organized as a one-day event open to everybody, from Bachelor’s and Master’s students up to full professors. The event featured a symposium with contributions from and about female computer scientists, a poster contest and an exhibition portraying the achievements of 25 women in computing. The exhibition was accompanied by a booklet with more in-depth information about these 25 women. Alice & Eve is now turning into an annual event. Moreover, a digital version of the exhibition has been made, with added information about another 5 female computer scientists.

In 2021, the Dutch national working group on equity, diversity and inclusion in computer science choose the hiring and promotion of female researchers as one of her action points. Representatives of all Dutch CS departments have been interviewed about do’s and don’ts in their hiring practices. Based on these interviews, a report with concrete recommendations was created, which was then discussed with the heads of the Dutch computer science departments.

In this talk, Prof. Huisman will discuss both activities, talk about lessons learned and their future plans.

About the speaker: Marieke Huisman is a professor in Software Reliability at the University of Twente. She is well-known for her work on program verification of concurrent software. In 2011, she obtained an ERC Starting Grant, which she used to start development of the VerCors verifier, a tool for the verification of concurrent software. Currently, as part of her NWO personal VICI grant Mercedes, she is working on further improving verification techniques, both by enabling the verification of a larger class of properties, and by making verification more automatic. Since 2019 she is SC chair of ETAPS. Besides her scientific work, she also actively works on topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as science policy. She chairs the national working group on on equity, diversity, and inclusion in computer science, chaired the advisory board on diversity and inclusion at the University of Twente, and she also is a member of the executive board of VERSEN, the Dutch association of software researchers, and chaired this association from 2018 until 2021.

The recorded versions of all past Gender Equality in Informatics webinars are available to watch on the YouTube channel.