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Conversations Unscripted is organizing a Breakfast Roundtable Discussion on January 26, starting 09:00. Conversations Unscripted is a Gender Equality Initiative for Women in Technology and Politics that aims to connect aspiring and current leaders in tech and policy to forge new ideas on gender, equality, and inclusivity.

The Breakfast Roundtable, entitled “Tech interested? A toolkit on how to join and enable a diverse tech workforce” will bring together leading experts from the technology landscape, including Prof. Letizia Jaccheri, Chair of COST Action ‘European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN) and Laila Deeb, Sofware Engeering Manager, Founder of Syrian Women in Tech (SWIT) and Chair of the Brussels Binder Database. The roundtable discussion will take stock of the gender imbalance in the technology sector and address how to enable more women to venture into tech industry, the needed technical skills to embark in this career path and the opportunities to increase your profile’s competitiveness amongst others.

Please see below the agenda for the breakfast roundtable:

  • 9:00-9:30 Networking Breakfast.
  • 9:30-10:05 Speaker Introductions and discussion.
  • 10:05-10:30 Discussion with audience and closing.


The event will take place at the Microsoft Innovation Centre, Rue Montoyer 51, Brussels – but hybrid attendance will also be possible.

Conversations Unscripted is brought to life via the support of different organizations active in the field of gender equality and technology policy, including Women in Tech, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (Brussels), Women4Cyber, the European Cybersecurity Organisation, Women in International Security (Brussels), Womenpreneur, The Brussels Binder and Microsoft.

More information and to register, visit the Conversations Unscripted website.