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GEC22 Call for Posters
Call for Posters
4th Summit on Gender Equality in Computing
June 16-17 2022
Thessaloniki, Greece
The GEC’22 Poster Session solicits posters from all areas of Computer Science and aims to offer the opportunity to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as young researchers and professionals of any gender to engage with other researchers and professionals in the field, disseminate research work, receive comments, practice presentation skills, benefit from discussing ideas with other researchers. Submissions should present novel ideas, designs, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, social issues or policy issues related to any area of computing. Authors may submit original work or versions of previously published work. Posters are ideal for presenting early stage research.
Submission deadline extended to: May 9, 2022
For more information and submission instructions, see
EUGAIN participants are encouraged to submit posters. EUGAIN will assign Conference Grants to researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries that satisfy the requirements for such grants